Yulia Vizel


Yulia Vizel

Meet lovely Anastasia - a creative professional and one of the most positive and easy going  people I’ve ever photographed. Her joyful spirit really translates through the photos.

Anastasia contacted me for a portrait session - she wanted a classic feminine portraits done. I was delighted and we truly had a blast!

I love getting to know my clients, so I’ve asked Anastasia to she her thoughts by answering 7 questions. 

Favorite quote?

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Ian Maclaren

Advice to younger self

Don't waste time on people and situations that don't bring you any joy

3 items to have on a deserted island

Am I allowed to bring my cat? Also, a good book and art supplies

Dark or milk chocolate?

Milk chocolate, all the way

What inspires you?

Travelling the word and connecting with new people around me

What's the closest thing to real magic?

I actually believe that magic is real :)

Life mantra ?

The past is history, the future is a mystery and the present is a gift.