
“At some point in time, the world I knew either vanished or withdrew, and another world came to take its place. Like the switching of a track. In other words, my mind here and now, belongs to the world that was, but the world itself already changed into something else. So far, the actual changes carried out in that process are limited in number. But the changes that already have taken place will almost certainly create other, greater differences around me as time goes by. Those differences will expand little by little and will, in some cases, destroy the logicality of the actions I take. They could well cause me to commit errors that are - for me - literally fatal.
Parallel worlds.
1Q84 P. 133
Haruki Murakami
I find this excerpt so relevant to what’s happening around me with COVID, my reality has shifted and even though some aspects remained the same the underlying map of my reality has shifted. Empty mall, closed stores, masks - let’s hope this reality will shift to something better.